Binary and Decimal Numbers
Computers and electronics are ubiquitous in modern culture (you wouldn’t be reading this post if they weren’t) and as a newbie iOS App developer, you are going to eventually need some knowledge of the...
View ArticleBinary Addition
Ready for your next dose of background Computer Science knowledge? In today’s post we build on what we have learnt in my previous post and look at binary addition. There are a number of ways of...
View ArticleSigned Numbers in Binary
If you have been reading any of my previous posts, by now you should be becoming a bit more comfortable with binary numbers. Up until this point though, we’ve been talking about only positive numbers....
View ArticleHow to Increase the Maximum Size of a Binary Number
A quick post today, explaining the concept of binary sign extension. Imagine the scenario. You have been using a single byte to store values and now want to extend this to store larger numbers? What...
View ArticleThe Secret To How Computers Perform Binary Subtraction
Now, we have already talked about how to perform binary addition but what about the opposite? How do we subtract two binary numbers? In today’s post, we’re going to walk through a couple of...
View ArticleWhat Happens When A Binary Number Reaches Its Limits?
Before we move on, I just wanted to take a moment to look at another peculiarity of using binary numbers, the concept of wrap-around. Wrap-around is very similar to the odometer on a vehicle. Assume...
View ArticleHow To Convert Between Binary and Decimal Fractions
In previous posts we’ve seen how we can convert whole numbers from decimal to binary notation and back again but in all my posts so far we’ve only looked at integer (or whole) numbers. What if we...
View ArticleWhy Binary Multiplication May Not Be As Complicated As You Think
Welcome to the next post in my series on binary numbers and binary arithmetic. In todays post we’re again going to build on what we have learnt in my previous posts on binary addition and binary...
View ArticleDivide and Conquer: A Four Step Process To Simplify Binary Division
Division is probably the hardest of the four basic arithmetic operations. In this post we walk through an easy to follow, step-by-step process that you can use to divide any two binary numbers.The...
View ArticleUnderstanding Fixed Point and Floating Point Number Representations
In my previous post we learnt the fundamental concepts of how binary could be used to represent real numbers (i.e. numbers with a fractional component). When it comes to storing these numbers though...
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